Welcome to Dundee Cycling Forum

Hello! We aim to promote cycling as an everyday activity in Dundee. We are open to anyone who cycles regularly, cycles occasionally or would like to start cycling. Watch this page for events and issues. Also, follow our Facebook and Twitter for the very latest information, including cycling-related posts from further afield that have caught our attention.

We are mainly thinking about cycling as transport for work and leisure. Anyone who has been to the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, or even some cities in the UK will know that cycling works great as basic transport – it is quick, cheap and good for you. Dundee is a compact city and reasonably dry and sunny (for Scotland!) so it is an ideal place to join this 21st century revolution. There is a lot of work to do to catch up with the best cycling cities. The Netherlands started in the 1970s and Copenhagen in the 1990s. If we learn from their experiences we can catch up. It means changing the roads and changing minds.

So that is why we are here – to help Dundee join this healthy, practical, enjoyable trend. Which is not to say we will ignore our more-sporty friends – we are all part of the big cycling picture that is the future for communities throughout the world.

Do have a colour printer and would like to have some flyers to share? You can download a flyer from our Google Drive Thank you!